@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+/// <reference types="react" />
+import { Alignment, Direction, Media } from './constants';
+import { CSSObject } from 'styled-components';
+export declare enum SortOrder {
+ ASC = "asc",
+ DESC = "desc"
+export type Primitive = string | number | boolean | bigint;
+export type ColumnSortFunction<T> = (a: T, b: T) => number;
+export type ExpandRowToggled<T> = (expanded: boolean, row: T) => void;
+export type Format<T> = (row: T, rowIndex: number) => React.ReactNode;
+export type RowState<T> = ((row: T) => boolean) | null;
+export type Selector<T> = (row: T, rowIndex?: number) => Primitive;
+export type SortFunction<T> = (rows: T[], field: Selector<T>, sortDirection: SortOrder) => T[];
+export type TableRow = Record<string, unknown>;
+export type ComponentProps = Record<string, unknown>;
+export type ExpanderComponentProps<T> = {
+ data: T;
+export type ExpandableRowsComponent<T> = React.ComponentType<ExpanderComponentProps<T>>;
+export type PaginationChangePage = (page: number, totalRows: number) => void;
+export type PaginationChangeRowsPerPage = (currentRowsPerPage: number, currentPage: number) => void;
+export type PaginationComponentProps = {
+ rowsPerPage: number;
+ rowCount: number;
+ currentPage: number;
+ onChangePage: PaginationChangePage;
+ onChangeRowsPerPage: PaginationChangeRowsPerPage;
+export type PaginationComponent = React.ComponentType<PaginationComponentProps>;
+export type TableProps<T> = {
+ actions?: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[];
+ className?: string;
+ clearSelectedRows?: boolean;
+ columns: TableColumn<T>[];
+ conditionalRowStyles?: ConditionalStyles<T>[];
+ contextActions?: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[];
+ contextComponent?: React.ReactNode;
+ contextMessage?: ContextMessage;
+ customStyles?: TableStyles;
+ data: T[];
+ defaultSortAsc?: boolean;
+ defaultSortFieldId?: string | number | null | undefined;
+ dense?: boolean;
+ direction?: Direction;
+ disabled?: boolean;
+ expandableIcon?: ExpandableIcon;
+ expandableInheritConditionalStyles?: boolean;
+ expandableRowDisabled?: RowState<T>;
+ expandableRowExpanded?: RowState<T>;
+ expandableRows?: boolean;
+ expandableRowsComponent?: ExpandableRowsComponent<T>;
+ expandableRowsComponentProps?: ComponentProps;
+ expandableRowsHideExpander?: boolean;
+ expandOnRowClicked?: boolean;
+ expandOnRowDoubleClicked?: boolean;
+ fixedHeader?: boolean;
+ fixedHeaderScrollHeight?: string;
+ highlightOnHover?: boolean;
+ keyField?: string;
+ noContextMenu?: boolean;
+ noDataComponent?: React.ReactNode;
+ noHeader?: boolean;
+ noTableHead?: boolean;
+ onChangePage?: PaginationChangePage;
+ onChangeRowsPerPage?: PaginationChangeRowsPerPage;
+ onRowClicked?: (row: T, e: React.MouseEvent) => void;
+ onRowDoubleClicked?: (row: T, e: React.MouseEvent) => void;
+ onRowMouseEnter?: (row: T, e: React.MouseEvent) => void;
+ onRowMouseLeave?: (row: T, e: React.MouseEvent) => void;
+ onRowExpandToggled?: ExpandRowToggled<T>;
+ onSelectedRowsChange?: (selected: {
+ allSelected: boolean;
+ selectedCount: number;
+ selectedRows: T[];
+ }) => void;
+ onSort?: (selectedColumn: TableColumn<T>, sortDirection: SortOrder, sortedRows: T[]) => void;
+ onColumnOrderChange?: (nextOrder: TableColumn<T>[]) => void;
+ pagination?: boolean;
+ paginationComponent?: PaginationComponent;
+ paginationComponentOptions?: PaginationOptions;
+ paginationDefaultPage?: number;
+ paginationIconFirstPage?: React.ReactNode;
+ paginationIconLastPage?: React.ReactNode;
+ paginationIconNext?: React.ReactNode;
+ paginationIconPrevious?: React.ReactNode;
+ paginationPerPage?: number;
+ paginationResetDefaultPage?: boolean;
+ paginationRowsPerPageOptions?: number[];
+ paginationServer?: boolean;
+ paginationServerOptions?: PaginationServerOptions;
+ paginationTotalRows?: number;
+ persistTableHead?: boolean;
+ pointerOnHover?: boolean;
+ progressComponent?: React.ReactNode;
+ progressPending?: boolean;
+ responsive?: boolean;
+ selectableRowDisabled?: RowState<T>;
+ selectableRows?: boolean;
+ selectableRowsComponent?: 'input' | React.ReactNode;
+ selectableRowsComponentProps?: ComponentProps;
+ selectableRowSelected?: RowState<T>;
+ selectableRowsHighlight?: boolean;
+ selectableRowsNoSelectAll?: boolean;
+ selectableRowsVisibleOnly?: boolean;
+ selectableRowsSingle?: boolean;
+ sortFunction?: SortFunction<T> | null;
+ sortIcon?: React.ReactNode;
+ sortServer?: boolean;
+ striped?: boolean;
+ style?: CSSObject;
+ subHeader?: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[];
+ subHeaderAlign?: Alignment;
+ subHeaderComponent?: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[];
+ subHeaderWrap?: boolean;
+ theme?: Themes;
+ /**
+ * Shows and displays a header with a title
+ * */
+ title?: string | React.ReactNode;
+export type TableColumnBase = {
+ allowOverflow?: boolean;
+ button?: boolean;
+ center?: boolean;
+ compact?: boolean;
+ reorder?: boolean;
+ grow?: number;
+ hide?: number | ((value: number) => CSSObject) | Media;
+ id?: string | number;
+ ignoreRowClick?: boolean;
+ maxWidth?: string;
+ minWidth?: string;
+ name?: string | number | React.ReactNode;
+ omit?: boolean;
+ right?: boolean;
+ sortable?: boolean;
+ style?: CSSObject;
+ width?: string;
+ wrap?: boolean;
+export interface TableColumn<T> extends TableColumnBase {
+ name?: string | number | React.ReactNode;
+ sortField?: string;
+ cell?: (row: T, rowIndex: number, column: TableColumn<T>, id: string | number) => React.ReactNode;
+ conditionalCellStyles?: ConditionalStyles<T>[];
+ format?: Format<T> | undefined;
+ selector?: Selector<T>;
+ sortFunction?: ColumnSortFunction<T>;
+export interface ConditionalStyles<T> {
+ when: (row: T) => boolean;
+ style?: CSSObject | ((row: T) => CSSObject);
+ classNames?: string[];
+export interface TableStyles {
+ table?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ tableWrapper?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ responsiveWrapper?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ header?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ subHeader?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ head?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ headRow?: {
+ style?: CSSObject;
+ denseStyle?: CSSObject;
+ };
+ headCells?: {
+ style?: CSSObject;
+ draggingStyle?: CSSObject;
+ };
+ contextMenu?: {
+ style?: CSSObject;
+ activeStyle?: CSSObject;
+ };
+ cells?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ draggingStyle?: CSSObject;
+ };
+ rows?: {
+ style?: CSSObject;
+ selectedHighlightStyle?: CSSObject;
+ denseStyle?: CSSObject;
+ highlightOnHoverStyle?: CSSObject;
+ stripedStyle?: CSSObject;
+ };
+ expanderRow?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ expanderCell?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ expanderButton?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ pagination?: {
+ style?: CSSObject;
+ pageButtonsStyle?: CSSObject;
+ };
+ noData?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+ progress?: {
+ style: CSSObject;
+ };
+export interface PaginationOptions {
+ noRowsPerPage?: boolean;
+ rowsPerPageText?: string;
+ rangeSeparatorText?: string;
+ selectAllRowsItem?: boolean;
+ selectAllRowsItemText?: string;
+export interface PaginationServerOptions {
+ persistSelectedOnSort?: boolean;
+ persistSelectedOnPageChange?: boolean;
+export interface ExpandableIcon {
+ collapsed: React.ReactNode;
+ expanded: React.ReactNode;
+export interface ContextMessage {
+ singular: string;
+ plural: string;
+ message?: string;
+export type TableState<T> = {
+ allSelected: boolean;
+ contextMessage: ContextMessage;
+ selectedCount: number;
+ selectedRows: T[];
+ selectedColumn: TableColumn<T>;
+ sortDirection: SortOrder;
+ currentPage: number;
+ rowsPerPage: number;
+ selectedRowsFlag: boolean;
+ toggleOnSelectedRowsChange: boolean;
+type ThemeText = {
+ primary: string;
+ secondary: string;
+ disabled: string;
+type ThemeBackground = {
+ default: string;
+type ThemeContext = {
+ background: string;
+ text: string;
+type ThemeDivider = {
+ default: string;
+type ThemeButton = {
+ default: string;
+ focus: string;
+ hover: string;
+ disabled: string;
+type ThemeSelected = {
+ default: string;
+ text: string;
+type ThemeHighlightOnHover = {
+ default: string;
+ text: string;
+type ThemeStriped = {
+ default: string;
+ text: string;
+export type Themes = string;
+export interface Theme {
+ text: ThemeText;
+ background: ThemeBackground;
+ context: ThemeContext;
+ divider: ThemeDivider;
+ button: ThemeButton;
+ selected: ThemeSelected;
+ highlightOnHover: ThemeHighlightOnHover;
+ striped: ThemeStriped;
+export interface AllRowsAction<T> {
+ type: 'SELECT_ALL_ROWS';
+ keyField: string;
+ rows: T[];
+ rowCount: number;
+ mergeSelections: boolean;
+export interface SingleRowAction<T> {
+ keyField: string;
+ row: T;
+ isSelected: boolean;
+ rowCount: number;
+ singleSelect: boolean;
+export interface MultiRowAction<T> {
+ keyField: string;
+ selectedRows: T[];
+ totalRows: number;
+ mergeSelections: boolean;
+export interface SortAction<T> {
+ type: 'SORT_CHANGE';
+ sortDirection: SortOrder;
+ selectedColumn: TableColumn<T>;
+ clearSelectedOnSort: boolean;
+export interface PaginationPageAction {
+ type: 'CHANGE_PAGE';
+ page: number;
+ paginationServer: boolean;
+ visibleOnly: boolean;
+ persistSelectedOnPageChange: boolean;
+export interface PaginationRowsPerPageAction {
+ rowsPerPage: number;
+ page: number;
+export interface ClearSelectedRowsAction {
+ selectedRowsFlag: boolean;
+export interface ColumnsAction<T> {
+ cols: TableColumn<T>[];
+export type Action<T> = AllRowsAction<T> | SingleRowAction<T> | MultiRowAction<T> | SortAction<T> | PaginationPageAction | PaginationRowsPerPageAction | ClearSelectedRowsAction;
+export {};